If you have been pondering getting a facelift, but do not necessarily want to go through everything that comes with surgery, then it is time that you consider a chin thread lift. There are many benefits to doing so.
Quicker Recovery
When a person has a traditional facelift, it can take as much as two weeks for them to fully recover. They can’t even go back to work for a minimum of 3 days and actually need someone to drive them home after the procedure. None of this is true when you opt for a thread lift instead. A local anesthetic is used instead of full anesthesia, which means that the patient can drive themselves home and go back to work the same day if they so choose.
Since thread lifts are non-invasive, you should not be concerned about any scarring. This is actually a major concern that many people have when they are considering a traditional facelift.
More Affordable
When compared to the often exorbitant costs of a facelift, a thread lift is significantly more affordable. The procedure is much simpler and there is the added benefit of no general anesthesia needed, which greatly reduces the price.
More Natural Looking
Due to the specifics of each procedure, a chin thread lift will almost always look more natural than a facelift. There are also no side effects from them as there are with surgical procedures.
If you are interested in learning if a thread lift is right for you, then contact the Liposuction And Cosmetic Surgery Institute. Visit LipoDoc.com for more information!