When Should Your Loved One’s Body Be Cremated?

by | Jul 24, 2024 | Funeral Services

When should you have your loved one cremated? This might sound like a simple question, but it can vex grieving loved ones unnecessarily. Thankfully, a little forethought can prevent this.

First, Consider Faith.

For many people, it is important to consider their religion when deciding when to cremate their loved one. If their family member is a practicing Catholic, they may not have chosen cremation at all. If they did, they would require that their bodies be treated with dignity and respect, meaning cremated remains should be kept together and buried properly. They may also require a traditional wake and funeral to allow for the Catholic funeral mass. This means San Pablo cremation services should not take place until after these services.

Next, Think About Friends and Family.

If faith is not a major consideration, grieving loved ones should be. Some families may only be satisfied if they can gather and remember their loved one with a body present, while others would prefer the opposite. For some, the presence of the cremated remains is sufficient, which offers more flexibility. Whatever your extended family’s preference, be sure to discuss this as early as possible to allow for planning the right kind of service.

Last, Consider Tone.

The personality of the deceased person and those surrounding them should be considered when it comes to planning the tone and type of services combined with cremation. If your family is planning a serious and somber event, it might be best to wait for cremation until after the wake or visitation, and perhaps even after a formal funeral. For a memorial service, you might be able to pursue San Pablo cremation services shortly after the prefuneral service or visitation. And for those who want an informal celebration of life, it may be best to have your loved one’s body cremated as soon as possible, so that the task is out of the way and your family can focus fully on celebrating and remembering your loved one.

Contact St. Joseph Cemetery & Funeral Center for more information about cremation services.

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