Starting a Christian Life Group specifically for men can be a great idea. This will create a sense of brotherhood and allow the men in your group to discuss issues that they otherwise would not be comfortable discussing. Here are some tips on leading a Christian Life Group for Men.
Be Flexible With Topics: While your Christian Life Group for Men is, after all, a religious group and discussing religion is important, it is also fun to add other topics such as sports to your meetings. Don’t be afraid to allow a portion of your meetings to be devoted to socializing or discussing important events within the community. If a major problem arises in the neighborhood or the community, consider working together for a solution. Be attentive to the needs of the men in your group and be open to new ideas for topics or events.
Integrate Family: Strengthen ties with the community by encouraging the men in your Christian Life Group for Men to organize events. This can be anything from father-son baseball games, to a general parent-child day, where the men can go out into the community and help local children. You can also have the men in your Christian Life Group for Men help with organize community charity events in concert with other groups.
Create an Open Talking Space: A lot of men still suffer from the stigma of traditional gender roles encourage stoicism and discourage emotional though. By creating a safe space to speak in your Christian Life Group for Men, you can help any members of your group who are struggling be it with alcoholism, family problems or illness. This type of openness creates a sense of connection and community and will allow for your Christian Life Group for Men to remain strong and coherent.