After deciding where you will be going to college, the next decision to make is where you will be living while attending school. Instead of just assuming that college dorms are the best way places to stay, it makes much more sense to look into living in off campus housing at University of Minnesota. There are plenty of benefits to doing so.
More Privacy
Having an adequate amount of privacy is a big concern for most students, and this is something that you will not get when you are living in a cramped dorm room. To make sure that you have some peace and quiet when you come home from a long day of classes, choosing a private student apartment is the best option.
Pick A Location
It’s impossible to choose an ideal location for a dormitory because they are always right there on campus. However, when you start looking into student apartments, you can choose a location that suits you the best.
Choose Your Own Roommate
When you live in a dorm room, you will be in a small space with a total stranger who you may or may not even get along with. This can lead to some less-than-desirable living situations. On the other hand, you can choose your own roommate when you opt for off campus housing at University of Minnesota.
If you are interested in seeing a floor plan design or touring the property to get a proper preview, please contact Venue at Dinkytown at