Looking at a Used Jaguar? Check these Components Out First

by | Jul 21, 2023 | Automotive

If you are looking at a used Jaguar in Philadelphia, be sure you have a plan in place before you look at it. While the current owner or dealership may appear to be honest, it never hurts to be prepared. You need to know what to look for and at.

What to Check Out

This article cannot be model specific. Referring to existing and potential problems in every year Jaguar has produced is not possible. However, it can indicate general areas of interest – components of any used Jaguar that require specific attention.

  • Brakes: Be sure the brakes are functioning optimally. Note any stiffness, clicking or lack of responsiveness.
  • Gearbox: How well does the gearbox appear to have been maintained?Are there any indications it is malfunctioning or in poor shape?
  • The Engine: Execute a cold start. Stop and listen closely for rattling. Check the color of the emissions.
  • Suspension: Inspect all components. Listen to see if there is too much noise.
  • Exterior: What is the overall appearance? Are there any overt cosmetic issues? What does the accident report tell you?
  • Interior: Go beyond the aesthetics and make sure all parts from the infotainment to the windows and A/C are functioning as they should.

When Considering a Used Jaguar

New or used, a Jaguar can be impressive. Just be certain the used vehicle you are interested in has more to offer than a pretty façade. It is far easier and less expensive to do a cosmetic touch-up than to do a complete engine replacement.

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