Keep Your Vehicle in Peak Condition with Routine Maintenance

by | Jan 31, 2024 | Towing Service

Love your car and have no plans on upgrading with a newer model any time soon? Or do you drive an older model? Hope to keep your car running smoothly years after it surpasses the 100,000-mile barrier?

These things only happens if you have your car’s critical components and systems inspected at routine intervals per the manufacturer’s recommendations.

The Importance of Regular Oil Changes

Oil is the lifeblood of your engine, lubricating critical components and keeping everything running smoothly. Just as our bodies require healthy blood flow, your car relies on clean oil and an unclogged filter. Industry standards recommend changing your vehicle’s oil and filter every 3,000 to 5,000 miles. Consult your owner’s manual for the exact oil type and weight recommended by the manufacturer. This prevents premature breakdown of internal engine parts over time.

Just remember: Even one missed interval can kickstart rapid deterioration. Think of it as missing your yearly physical exam; problems compound quickly.

Assess Brake, Transmission, and Coolant Systems

  • Brakes: These complex components including pads, rotors and calipers work hard to safely slow your vehicle, and deserve inspection every 6,000 miles. Any squeaking, vibration or pulling indicates issues needing immediate attention to restore robust stopping power. Don’t take a chance with compromised braking.
  • Transmission: Fluid keeps those gears smoothly shifting. Schedule an exchange every 30,000-60,000 miles based on specifications to prevent premature wear. This will delay risks like impaired acceleration and higher repair bills.
  • Coolant: Flushing the entire cooling system and assessing hoses for leaks every couple years is cheap insurance against being stranded from overheats. Consistent coolant integrity means fewer headaches on the highway.

Don’t Overlook Battery and Tires

  • Battery: This humble component delivers optimized starting capacity for around 3-5 years before recharging ability fades. Clean corroded connections right away and maintain proper fluid levels to extend its lifespan.
  • Tires: These four critical points of contact grip the pavement for acceleration, turning and braking. Check inflation often and rotate during oil changes to promote even tread wear. Insufficient tread means compromised handling, so monitoring depth identifies when new tires are needed. Invest in quality rubber for maximum performance and safety.

Staying ahead of any developing problems keeps your vehicle where it should be: on the road. Partnering with the best car repair in McFarland, WI, builds a working relationship that pays dividends through safe travels.

Connect with Precision Towing & Recovery on Facebook for more information.

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