Anyone going through a divorce can attest to the fact that it can be a strenuous process. The following tips can help you recognize common roadblocks in the child support process and how an attorney can help.
Payment Difficulties
One of the most common roadblocks that require the assistance of a DuPage County child support lawyer is failure to pay support. But other payment problems may occur, including chronically late payments or payments that have simply fallen behind. If this describes you, contact an attorney to discuss roadblocks in the child support process and how an attorney can help.
Custody Arrangement Support Enforcement
Another major consideration that causes common problems in child custody disputes is one or both parties failing to honor custody agreements. Failing to meet at arranged times, returning children late, or not showing up at the arranged drop-off locations are problems seen by DuPage County child support lawyers. In each of these situations, communication may break down to the point where discussion is not possible between parental parties without the help of an attorney.
Protection of Your Rights in Abusive Situations
While many parents want what is best for their child, this is not the case in every divorce. In situations that include abuse, an experienced attorney can be the best possible advocate for you and your child. With a skilled attorney, you can navigate the court system with your rights still intact, regardless of the type of abuse that you are escaping.
To know more contact Keller Legal Services at their website today.