You took your time when you chose your university that will be your home while you earn your degree. You never realized you had choices for student housing near University of Florida. You thought everyone went to the dorms. You have an exciting alternative if you want your college experience to be everything it could be. Consider going off campus in apartments that are especially designed for student life.
Off-campus student housing University of Florida makes your decision for you when it comes to choosing a place to live. You will have a completely furnished apartment. You will have your utilities and your WIFI. Modern appliances mean you have a refrigerator, a stove, and a laundry unit. The television is already installed. In addition to all of these features, your bedroom is your own. You won’t have to share it with anyone else. You also have a spacious bathroom that has been designated for you. Your apartment can have only one bedroom to allow you to live an independent life or you can have a roommate. Apartment options go up to as many as four bedrooms.
You can walk to college or catch the shuttle bus that runs all day long. When you get back to your apartment building, see what’s happening poolside. Check out the media lounge to see if anything special is going on. Work out whenever you feel like it for as long as you like in the fitness center. Learn more about your housing experience at Alight Gainesville.