College Life 101: Tips for Finding Off Campus Student Housing

by | May 10, 2024 | Student Housing Center

So, you’re done with the dorms and want to live off campus. With so many off campus student housing options, you might feel overwhelmed and wonder if you’re making the right decision. Off-campus living gives you more independence and the chance to tip-toe into adult responsibilities. Check out these tips for finding the best off campus student housing in Fayetteville, AR.

Choose a Roommate

Most students who move off campus choose to live with at least one other person. You don’t have to, though. Students who prefer their privacy and have the funds to live alone should. However, if you’re a person who wants a roommate, there are two ways to do this: ask friends if they want to move in with you or choose an apartment community offering roommate matching services.

Determine Your Budget

How much can you pay for an apartment? Will you use your financial aid solely to pay your monthly rent, or will you need a job to supplement your financial aid? Many student-centered apartment communities accept financial aid as proof of income and offer per-room or per-person contracts to ease the financial obligation and stress. Read more about these contracts in the next section.

Read Your Lease Terms Carefully

Per-person contracts have increased in popularity in student-centered apartment communities because it’s a stress-free way to pay rent. You’re only responsible for your portion of the rent, not your roommates. Still, read over the lease to know more about procedures such as early termination.

To learn more about off campus student housing in Fayetteville, AR, check out University House Fayetteville at

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