The process of storing cell lines is made possible through cryopreservation. When frozen, the cells are able to be preserved for later observation and scientific procedures. Since entire lines can be preserved, only a specific sequence must be stored to further assess these cells that have limited lifespans. This makes the research a lot easier.
How They Are Stored
After being frozen, the cells are mixed with liquid nitrogen or placed into cryogenic freezers. This is the process of successful cell line storage. To do this without damaging the cells and their integrity, the temperature is slowly reduced until it reaches -30 to -60℃. After this, they can be transferred to their storage space at less than -130℃.
How They Are Used
The cells remain frozen until they are ready for use. Once biologists are able to work with these cell lines, they can uncover research about certain functions relating to organs and tissues. This creates a complete puzzle that can showcase the evolutionary process and how to best maintain the integrity of bodily functions. It is imperative that the cells are unchanged in storage, and this is why cryopreservation is a great solution.
Through cell line storage, there are many great medical and biological advancements that are possible. With the way technology is still growing, the future is expected to have even more resources and ways for scientists to use stored cell lines. It is an exciting thought that developments can be made to better the lives of many.