Benefits from Using Open MRI Equipment

by | Oct 25, 2022 | Uncategorized

If you have a medical issue that is not visible, your primary doctor may order you to take an MRI. If you have high anxiety, this may create increased levels of nervousness. Fortunately, some of these may be addressed by the latest type of equipment. While you may find a traditional MRI upsetting, this may not hold for the new open MRI equipment.

What Is Open MRI Equipment?

The traditional MRI machine is essentially a tube-like structure. The patient lies within this narrow and confined space while he or she is scanned. The time spent within this MRI may be lengthy.

The open MRI machine differs. While based upon the same principle, they are of a different structure. Like the name “open” indicates, open MRI machines are not enclosed. Although they have a top and bottom all four side are open.

Benefits from Open MRI Equipment

Offering an open MRI machine can be very beneficial to many patients. Among the top reasons for advocating for using such MRI machines are

• Claustrophobic patients and children experience fewer their fears
• Larger patients do not feel trapped or confined
• Disabled individuals can more easily access them
• Less wait time for patients to receive a critical scan because more patients can be scanned
• Increased ease of ensuring the right body part is placed directly beneath the magnet
• They can be tilted

For doctors and clinic administration, the open MRI equipment is more cost-efficient. The initial outlay combines with the maintenance costs to reduce overall expenditures.

Open MRI Orlando, understands how stressful receiving an MRI scan can be. By combining compassionate, patient-centric care with the latest technology they help reduce anxieties while providing comprehensive diagnostic imaging services.

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