Mikhail Tsvet, a Russian botanist, first developed a rudimentary form of chromatography. He used the process to separate pigments from plants into various compounds and components. By the 1930s, more advanced methods were in place, allowing scientists to use the process to separate different components in a sample.
In the 1960s, high-performance chromatography or HPLC was first used, with improvements and further evolution of the science and technology ongoing today. There are several different types of chromatography, and each offers various benefits for use with different sample types.
Separating Charged Molecules
One of the methods used to separate the various molecules in biological samples is ion-exchange chromatography. This is a highly precise way to separate various proteins in a sample based on oppositely charged proteins ions and polar molecules and the resin selected for the process.
The ion exchange can be done with both positive and negative stationary phases. With a cation exchange, the stationary phase is negative, and with an anion exchange, the stationary phase is positively charged.
As the molecules move through the column, they naturally separate according to their respective charges. This is accomplished in ion-exchange chromatography using a salt gradient. A pH gradient can also be used to complete this process. The choice of this gradient increases or decreases the types of molecules eluted in the process. After the process is completed, a wash removes any impurities or proteins present in the sample but not relevant to the specific testing conditions.
Ion-exchange chromatography is used in a variety of different biological, medical, and life science applications. It is commonly used to help differentiate and identify blood components, proteins, amino acids, and for specific types of purification applications.
Effective, repeatable, and cost-effective, ion exchange processes in chromatography are an excellent choice for many testing requirements.
Trinity Biotech offers effective, accurate, and user-friendly ion-exchange chromatography solutions. To see more, visit us online at website.