Choosing the Right Charbroiler for a Fast-Food Burger Restaurant

by | Aug 9, 2022 | Restaurant Equipment

The Jersey burger is a popular snack in NJ. To make one, you’ll need a quality grill. If you’re hunting for a restaurant charbroiler in NJ, use this guide and weigh your options.

Countertop Restaurant Equipment in NJ

A countertop broiler will fit on a stand of restaurant equipment in NJ. You could also place it on a refrigerated chef base.

Freestanding Restaurant Equipment in NJ

Regular freestanding broilers have legs, and cabinet-style units have a base for platters and plates.

Outdoor Restaurant Equipment in NJ

An outdoor charbroiler works well at a resort. You can buy one with a rotisserie and side burner.

Restaurant Charbroilers in NJ – The Gas Varieties

There are two types of gas broilers. You can buy a propane charbroiler or a natural-gas broiler. Both units produce powerful, radiant heat.

Electric Charbroilers in NJ

Electric charbroilers are very safe and easy to use. They heat up fast, and they generate clean heat.

The Qualities of a Great Restaurant Charbroiler in NJ

A good charbroiler will make cooking a joy. To find your ideal grill, you must focus on the features. Here is a brief checklist:

  • Reverse/adjustable grates: These grates are easier to clean.
  • Adjustable grates: Adjustable grates will give you greater flexibility in the kitchen.
  • Cast iron grates: Cast iron is highly durable, and it sears raw beef exceptionally well.
  • A water/grease pan: This handy accessory prevents flair-ups.

If you need additional help choosing the right charbroiler in NJ, contact Automatic Ice Maker Co. at their website.

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