Why More Unhappy Car Owners Trust The Lemon Law Attorneys?

by | Jul 30, 2021 | Lawyers and Law Firms

Buying a car is a huge investment even for used vehicles. It can certainly be frustrating to realize that an unscrupulous previous owner has sold you a “Lemon” as the lawyers say. Take a deep breath and consider your legal options. Learn why more unhappy used car owners trust these dedicated Lemon Law attorneys.

What Exactly Are Lemon Laws & What Do They Mean?

Since a car purchase is usually at the level of money that the law would consider grand theft or larceny if this was a burglary, these cases can involve lots of money. To remedy this situation, most states have enacted what is called “Lemon Laws” to bring some of these unhappy used car owners some financial relief or a comparable settlement car exchange in some cases.

Why Does It Take So Long for These Laws to Take Effect?

There is a fairly complex process that the new car owner has to go through before an actual Lemon Law case can get into the court schedule. This allows a potentially unsuspecting previous owner, who may not have known about the problems the car had, to have some time to make the problem right.

There are some initial thresholds that need to occur like a specific number of times that the vehicle has been unable to be driven, the number of repair jobs and other factors.

Leave the Complex Legal Details to Local Lemon Law Attorneys

Contact Krohn & Moss, Ltd. Consumer Law Center® for legal help.

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