Why See a Child Support Lawyer in Miami, FL, After Job Loss

by | Dec 21, 2023 | Law Service

After the divorce terms are finalized, it doesn’t spell the end for child support. If you have young children, child support will be a requirement that stays with you until they’re fully grown. Even then, if you’ve missed payments, you may continue to pay until the balance is zero. However, life often includes unexpected twists and turns. Seeing a child support lawyer in Miami, FL, after you lose your job is vital.

What Happens to My Child Support Obligation When I Lose a Job

Several factors come into play when you lose your job, including whether the job loss was voluntary. Some of the things that will be considered regarding your change in job status include the following:

• Was the change in job status voluntary?

• If voluntary, was the change done in good faith?

• Was the change for a new job opportunity?

• Is the change significant, material, involuntary, and permanent?

Consulting with a child support lawyer in Miami, FL, is often a good option if the details of your job change need to be clarified.

When to Get Help From a Child Support Lawyer in Miami, FL

In most cases, if you were involuntarily let go from your job, you won’t experience complications. However, drug use, blatant misconduct, or other factors may end in the court ruling your job loss was voluntary. Working with an experienced child support lawyer in Miami, FL, will help you navigate this complex situation.

If you have lost your job and need to re-evaluate child support, visit their website to consult a child support lawyer in Miami, FL.

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