The Benefits of Non-Selective Herbicides

by | Oct 17, 2023 | Business

There are many different types of herbicides that farmers and gardeners can turn to when it is time to protect their crops from weeds. One of the most common types is the non-selective herbicide. Non-selective herbicides are true to their name. These are herbicides that kill all plants in the area where they are applied, instead of just targeting certain types of plants.

Some people are afraid of using these herbicides because they might damage plants they want to keep. However, there are certain occasions where they are the better option. Here are a few benefits of this type of herbicide.

More Effective at Clearing Plants

A non-selective herbicide will be more effective at killing off weeds than more delicate types of herbicides. If you are attempting to clear a large surface area and want to get rid of unwanted plants as quickly as possible, this type of herbicide is probably your best option.

Good for Completely Clearing Land

In some cases, the totality of non-selective herbicides is a benefit. There are situations where you want to completely clear a piece of land, for example if you are replacing an old lawn with a new lawn or if you are replacing a field of agriculture. Sometimes you need to destroy something old completely before something new can grow in its place.

More Affordable

Non-selective herbicides tend to cost less than selective herbicides. They are more potent, so you need less of the herbicide to cover a larger area of ground.

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